Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

Laparoscopic (closed) hernia surgery is a method that allows hernia surgeries to be performed in a closed manner. Developed by taking advantage of advancements in technology, this technique does not require incisions as large as those in traditional surgical methods. Depending on the surgery to be performed, 3 or 4 incisions between 0.5 cm and 1 cm in size are sufficient. This way, patients’ tissues are less damaged, and the healing process is shorter.

Hernia, or scientifically known as a hernia, is the protrusion of organs due to the outward displacement of muscles and tissues that keep them in place. It usually occurs with the outward displacement of the intestine in the abdominal region. However, it is a condition that can occur in different parts of the body. For example, cervical hernia and lumbar hernia.

Hernia negatively affects people’s lives. Some types of hernias can increase the risk of developing different conditions if not treated in a timely manner. Therefore, hernias need to be effectively and timely treated. Laparoscopic (closed) hernia surgery is a new generation method used for the treatment of this condition.

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What is Laparoscopic (Closed) Hernia Surgery?

Laparoscopic (closed) hernia surgery refers to closed hernia surgery. It allows hernia to be treated without making a large incision as in traditional methods. Necessary medical tools and a camera are sent to the relevant area through the incisions made. All procedures are performed from the outside by utilizing the images transmitted by the camera.

Hernia refers to a wound or inflammation that occurs on the skin or internal organs. Hernia surgery is a surgical method used in the treatment of such wounds. Hernia surgery can be performed in two different methods: open or closed. Open hernia surgery allows the doctor to access the wound area by entering under the skin. Closed hernia surgery, on the other hand, is performed by making a smaller hole. The aim of hernia surgery is to clean the wound area, eliminate inflammation and repair the wound.

For the application of the laparoscopic method, the surgeon needs to have knowledge and experience in this field. This method, which provides significant advantages for patients, requires serious expertise.

How to Treat Hernia with Laparoscopic Surgery?

Laparoscopic hernia surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Three (or four) incisions are made in the patient’s abdomen, with incision sizes ranging from 0.5 cm to 1 cm. A telescopic camera is inserted through one of the incisions to capture images of the hernia and surrounding tissues beneath the skin. With the help of the images transmitted by the camera, the surgery is performed externally. Firstly, the hernia area is fully exposed. Then, the necessary procedures are carried out to correct the hernia and ensure that the organ returns to its proper position. Finally, the incisions are closed and the procedure is completed. Closed hernia surgery is performed in different ways depending on the condition and location of the hernia. Each patient’s situation is different, and a personalized plan is made taking into account these differences. However, generally speaking, the steps of laparoscopic hernia surgery are as described here.


What Operations Are Performed With Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery?

Laparoscopic hernia surgery is a great convenience offered by medical technology. With this technique, many types of hernias can be treated as closed. The types of hernias in which closed surgery can be performed are as follows:

WHAT IS inguinal hernia

  • Inguinal Hernias
    Groin hernias make up approximately 75% of all hernias. They are predominantly found in men and are classified into three different types: femoral, direct, and indirect hernias. Femoral hernias are typically found in women, while direct hernias are caused by weakness in the abdominal wall and indirect hernias extend to the scrotum along with the testicles.Groin hernia surgery is the surgical correction of hernias that occur in the groin area. The purpose of this surgery is to stop the formation of the hernia and prevent the disease from progressing. During the surgery, the tissue that causes the hernia is removed and the wounds are sutured. Afterwards, the patient is regularly monitored to track the healing process and provide necessary interventions. When groin hernia surgery is performed correctly, most patients successfully complete the healing process and prevent the recurrence of the hernia
  • Umbilical Hernias
    The belly button, compared to other abdominal muscles, is a little weaker, which increases the risk of hernias forming from the belly button. It can occur in both men and women. A belly button hernia is a type of hernia that occurs in the belly button area. These hernias can develop inside the muscle tissue that is supported by the layer of fat under the skin. Belly button hernias are usually a health issue that develops as people age, and can occur due to the pressure from increased fat tissue that comes with aging. Symptoms of belly button hernias include pain and swelling in the belly button area. Treatment for these hernias is usually done through surgical intervention and patients are regularly monitored after the operation.
  • Incisional Hernia
    These are hernias that occur at the incision sites of surgical operations performed on the abdomen. The risk of being seen after abdominal surgeries is between 2% and 10%. There is a risk of recurrence even after normal surgical treatment of incisional hernia. This risk is between 20% and 45%. Laparoscopic hernia surgery minimizes this risk compared to the traditional method and largely eliminates the risk of recurrence.
  • Epigastrik Herni
    It is a type of hernia that occurs above the navel.
  • Spiegel Hernia
    It is a type of hernia caused by the muscles in both lower parts of the abdomen.

Although it is a suitable option for many hernia types, the patient’s condition should also be considered here. The treatment of hernia types with this method is decided by the surgeon, taking into account the patient’s condition.

Umbilical Hernia Surgery

The umbilical hernia surgery is generally performed similar to other hernia surgeries. An incision is made around the navel and the protruding intestine or related tissue is pushed inward through this incision. Then, a patch is placed in the relevant area to prevent the hernia from recurring.

This surgical procedure can be performed either as a closed or open surgery. The recovery time for hernia surgeries performed using laparoscopic surgical method is shorter. In addition, because the patch is placed internally, it provides a more permanent solution. Depending on the person’s condition, the surgeon decides whether the surgery will be performed as open or closed surgery

Umbilical Hernia Surgery Price 2023

It would not be appropriate to give a specific price for umbilical hernia surgery in 2023. Each patient’s condition is unique and specific to themselves, which causes prices to vary depending on factors such as the preferred method for the surgical procedure, the difficulty of the procedure, and the condition of the illness.

One of the most important factors here is how the surgery will be performed. When the traditional open method is preferred, prices may be slightly lower. The laparoscopic hernia surgery method, which is closed, requires more expertise and experience and takes longer, so it is relatively more expensive.

Laparoskopik kasık fıtığı
Laparoskopik kasık fıtığı

Inguinal Hernia Surgery

Inguinal hernia is the protrusion of the intestines or other tissues within the abdomen through weakened tissues in the front abdominal wall. It presents itself as a bulge or protrusion on the outside. It can also be expressed as a type of outward protrusion of the intestines within the abdominal region.

It is the most commonly encountered type among hernia types and occurs in the inguinal area. Like other types of hernias, medical methods are usually preferred for treatment, and if they are not effective, surgical methods are preferred

Inguinal Hernia Symptoms

Although the symptoms of inguinal hernia vary from person to person, there are some common symptoms. Common inguinal hernia symptoms are as follows:

  • Swelling in the groin area
  • Bruising or redness of the swelling
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Feeling of indigestion
  • Inability to go to the toilet
  • İnability to get gas
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Anorexia
  • Pain in the groin area

Although the symptoms listed here are common, it is not something that will be seen in everyone. Therefore, at this point, the swelling in the muscle area should be examined first. If there is swelling, the suspicion of inguinal hernia should arise and a specialist doctor should be consulted.

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kapalı kasık fıtığı ameliyatı izi

Inguinal Hernia Surgery

Surgical Procedure Can Be Performed Closed with Laparoscopic Methods. In the operation, 3-5 incisions with an average size of 1 cm are made in the front of the abdomen. Then a camera is sent through one of the incisions.

The protruding tissue is taken inwards. A patch is applied internally to the weakened area. This prevents the hernia from recurring. The mentioned operation can also be performed openly.

Advantages of Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

Hernia occurs as a result of weaknesses in the abdominal wall and high pressure. Organs located inside the abdomen come out from the weakened area and cause swelling in the subcutaneous tissue. Coughing and straining lead to an increase in the swelling. The treatment is to apply a patch (mesh) to the weakened area. Laparoscopic hernia surgery has some important advantages over traditional methods at this point.

The most important advantage of the closed operation is that it allows the patch to be applied from inside the abdomen. Thus, the pressure in the relevant area is much more effectively counteracted and the applied treatment is more successful. Other advantages provided by closed hernia surgery can be listed as follows:

  • The pain in the related area after the surgery is much less.
  • Recovery time is short.
  • Patients return to their daily routines in a much shorter time.
  • The probability of recurrence of the hernia is very low.
  • The risk of infection and bleeding is low.
  • For multiple inguinal hernias, only three incisions are sufficient.
  • Surgical scars are too small to be noticed.
  • It gives more successful results in terms of cosmetics.

Hernia Surgery 2023

“Hernia”, known as a medical condition, is one of the common health problems today. This condition, which has different types, is generally treated with hernia surgery. The treatment of the discomfort is done permanently with the operation performed by an expert and experienced surgeon.

Hernia is the displacement of an organ due to the weakening of the tissues that keep the internal organs in place. Although it can be seen in different parts of the body, umbilical hernia and inguinal hernia are the most common types.

Different treatment methods can be preferred depending on the severity of the hernia and the discomfort it causes. Medical treatment methods are preferred first, but in cases where medical treatment is insufficient and in emergency situations, surgical methods are preferred. This surgery can be performed openly with the traditional method or closed with the newly developed laparoscopic method.

Side Effects and Risks of Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

Although laparoscopic hernia surgery or closed hernia surgery is performed through very small incisions, it is a surgical procedure. The complication risks in every surgical procedure also apply here. These risks are as follows:

    • Bleeding
    • Infection
    • Organ injury
    • Loss of feeling
    • Tissue Damage
    • Relapse (Recurrence)

The risks and complications mentioned here are applicable to all surgical procedures. However, laparoscopic hernia surgery has minimized these risks and complications. With an experienced surgeon, such risks are almost completely eliminated.

Upon reviewing the medical literature, it is seen that laparoscopic hernia surgery, which is a closed surgical technique, significantly reduces risks and recurrence rates. Therefore, the mentioned method is a reliable treatment option.

After Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

A patch is placed on the area where the hernia has occurred during closed hernia surgery. Patients are kept under observation for about 24 hours after the procedure and then discharged. To ensure a smooth and short recovery period, patients should pay attention to some important points, which are as follows:

    • For the first few days after the surgery, you should rest from home.
    • Heavy lifting and strenuous exercises should be avoided during the recovery period.
    • Painkillers and other medications prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly.
    • Actions such as straining, coughing and heavy lifting that will increase intra-abdominal pressure should be avoided as much as possible.
    • It takes 6-8 weeks for the patch (mesh) to heal completely. At the end of this period, patients can return to their normal lives.

After Hernia Surgery

After a hernia surgery, mild to moderate pain may occur. In addition, swelling may be observed in the surgical area. Such conditions are considered normal and generally do not require any treatment. Swelling and bruising will go away on their own over time.

Behaviors that increase abdominal pressure should be avoided after the surgery. Heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, and similar activities should not be done. However, walking at a light pace during this period will have a positive effect on both blood flow and digestion.

In the first few days, even coughing can be risky. Therefore, care should be taken not to catch diseases such as flu and colds that can cause coughing or sneezing.

After a laparoscopic hernia surgery, patients can return to their normal routines 2-3 days after the surgery by avoiding strenuous work. Those who work in non-heavy jobs can return to work 5-7 days later. Swelling, bruising, and mild hardening in the relevant area after surgery are normal and they usually heal on their own over time without requiring extra treatment.

Since the incisions made during the surgical procedure are very small, the scars that will occur after healing will also be small. Over time, these scars will become much less visible and will not be noticeable from the outside. Laparoscopic hernia surgery is also superior cosmetically compared to the traditional method.

How Much is Hernia Surgery?

The price of hernia surgery differs depending on the complexity of the operation to be performed and the methods used. Ultimately, there are different types of hernias and different treatment methods applied to them. The duration and difficulty of each surgery are not the same. Accordingly, it would not be correct to give a clear figure about the cost of hernia surgery.

The price of closed hernia surgery is higher compared to the open one. The main reason for the increase in price is the use of different techniques and the need for extra experience to carry out the relevant transaction. Closed surgeries are preferred more than open surgeries today, as the price increases and the risks decrease.

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kapalı fıtık ameliyatı

How Long Does Hernia Surgery Take?

Hernia surgery takes between 30 and 60 minutes. The duration of the operation differs depending on the surgical method used and the condition of the hernia.

The surgical procedure performed with the laparoscopic method may take a little longer than the open surgery. It should not be forgotten that the experience of the surgeon performing the procedure is also a very important factor.

The duration of hernia surgery may vary according to different factors. Not all operations should be expected to continue in this range. Sometimes it may take shorter or longer. Especially in the event of an unexpected complication, serious changes may occur in the duration of the surgical procedure.

Nutrition After Hernia Surgery

Nutrition, recovery process, and the success of the hernia surgery are directly affected by each other. In the first few days after the operation, attention should be paid to consuming plenty of water. This will ensure that the drugs given for anesthesia are excreted from the body more easily.

Liquid foods should be consumed in the first few days. After the digestive system starts to function normally, the normal diet can be resumed. However, constipation may occur in the first few days due to inactivity and medication. Fibrous foods should be preferred to prevent this risk.

It is important for digestion to occur smoothly with proper nutrition without increasing intra-abdominal pressure, which is almost a necessity to maintain the results of the surgery. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s instructions regarding nutrition.

Swelling After Hernia Surgery

Swelling in the surgical area is quite normal and can be considered as a natural result of the surgery. Swelling is more pronounced in surgeries with larger incisions, while it is much more limited in closed surgeries.

Generally, no treatment is needed for swelling. Swelling that starts to subside a few weeks after the operation will have significantly decreased by the end of the fourth week. However, it should be taken into consideration that each patient’s condition is different, and swelling may last longer in some patients.

Although swelling is a harmless symptom, it should not be excessive. Excessive swelling may indicate problems such as infection or hematoma. If there is burning, redness, and discharge from the incisions along with swelling, this should be reported to the surgeon. In short, swelling after hernia surgery is largely harmless but should be monitored.

How Is Closed Hernia Surgery Performed?

A closed hernia surgery is a surgical procedure performed by a doctor, and the purpose of the surgery is to correct a herniated area and restore its natural functions. During the operation, the doctor opens the herniated area and repairs the tissues inside. Afterwards, the surgical area is closed again and the healing process begins.

The method and details of the operation may vary according to each patient’s condition, and you can obtain more detailed information by talking to your doctor about this.

How long does a laparoscopic hernia surgery take?

The duration of a laparoscopic hernia surgery can vary depending on the individual’s condition and the experience of the doctor. Generally, this type of surgery can take a few hours, but in some cases, it may take longer. Your doctor can provide you with a more detailed explanation of the surgery duration. The important thing is to work with your doctor to find the best option and perform your surgery safely.

How long does it take to recover from laparoscopic hernia surgery?

The recovery time from laparoscopic hernia surgery can vary depending on the individual’s condition and the experience of the doctor. Generally, patients begin to recover within a few days after this type of surgery, but it is difficult to predict exactly when full recovery will occur. Your doctor can provide you with a more detailed explanation of the recovery process after the surgery. It is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations carefully and seek support if necessary.

What happens after laparoscopic hernia surgery?

After laparoscopic hernia surgery, your doctor may provide you with some recommendations. These recommendations may include using painkillers after surgery, keeping your legs elevated, avoiding excessive movement, and refraining from engaging in serious physical activities. Your doctor may also tell you when you can return to regular activities and work after surgery. Additionally, your doctor may have scheduled a follow-up appointment after the surgery to evaluate your recovery status and how the surgery went.

How much does laparoscopic hernia surgery cost?

The cost of laparoscopic hernia surgery can vary depending on the individual’s condition, the location of the surgery, and the experience of the doctor. Therefore, it can be difficult to estimate the full cost of the surgery. The best way is to speak with your doctor and learn about the cost of the surgery. You can also speak with your private insurance company to learn whether part or all of the surgery cost will be covered by insurance.

How long does umbilical hernia surgery take?

The duration of umbilical hernia surgery can vary depending on each patient’s condition and the type of intervention the doctor will perform. Therefore, it may be difficult to specify how long umbilical hernia surgery will take. However, generally, umbilical hernia surgery can take between 30 minutes to 3 hours. For more detailed information, please consult a doctor.

How long does it take to recover from umbilical hernia surgery?

The recovery time after umbilical hernia surgery can vary depending on each patient’s condition and the type of intervention the doctor will perform. Therefore, it may be difficult to specify the exact recovery time after umbilical hernia surgery. However, generally, the recovery time after umbilical hernia surgery can range from several weeks to several months. For more detailed information, please consult a doctor.

What is the price of hernia surgery in 2023?

It may be difficult to provide an accurate answer regarding the price of hernia surgery in 2023 because it depends on various factors. For instance, the fees of the doctor and hospital performing the surgery, the location where the surgery is conducted, the type of surgery, and the patient’s individual condition can affect the price. Therefore, to obtain precise information about the cost of hernia surgery, please consult a doctor or healthcare facility.

How much does groin hernia surgery cost?

The cost of groin hernia surgery is also determined by similar factors and can vary accordingly. For instance, the fees of the doctor and hospital performing the surgery, the location where the surgery is conducted, the type of surgery, and the patient’s individual condition can affect the price. Therefore, to obtain precise information about the cost of groin hernia surgery, please consult a doctor or healthcare facility.

How long does groin hernia surgery take?

The duration of groin hernia surgery can vary depending on the individual patient’s condition and the specific surgical intervention performed by the doctor. Therefore, it may be difficult to specify precisely how long the surgery will take. However, in general, groin hernia surgery can take between 1 to 3 hours. For more detailed information, please consult a doctor.

Is groin hernia surgery easy?

Groin hernia surgery is a surgical procedure that involves risks, like any other surgery. Therefore, it may be challenging to make a definite judgement about whether the surgery is easy or difficult. However, the doctor’s experience, the hospital where the surgery is conducted, and the surgical techniques employed during the surgery are critical factors for successful surgery. For more detailed information, please consult a doctor.

How long does one need to stay in the hospital after hernia surgery?

The length of hospital stay after hernia surgery can vary depending on the individual patient’s condition. Some patients can be discharged a few days after the surgery, while others may need to stay in the hospital longer. You can obtain more detailed information about this from your doctor. The duration of hospital stay after hernia surgery is dependent on various factors, including the location of the surgery, the type of surgery, and the patient’s general health condition.

What happens if one does not undergo hernia surgery?

Hernia surgery is performed to stop the progression of hernia formation and promote healing in the affected area. If hernia surgery is not performed, hernia formation may progress, leading to symptoms such as pain, swelling, and restricted movement in the herniated area. Moreover, as the hernia progresses, organ function can become impaired, leading to serious health issues. Therefore, it is essential for individuals who do not undergo hernia surgery to be under the care of a doctor and to monitor the progression of the hernia.

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